Tuesday Tidbits | Cooking Tips & Ideas

As fall settles in, I find myself interested in home cooked meals more than ever. We do a pretty good job of cooking most of our dinners at home, but the cooler weather is a great excuse to break out the crock pot and try some new ideas. This week’s Tuesday Tidbits is a round up of cooking related links, recipes, news, and ideas.

Happy cooking!

Tuesday Tidbits | Cooking Tips & Ideas


Photo from Bon Appetit

→ One of my favorite food magazines, Bon Appetit, published an interesting piece this week on cooking myths you can let go of. I found several on the list that I incorporate and use frequently!

→ One of my recent favorite dinners is a from scratch baked ziti that only needs one pan. It’s nice, warm comfort food when the weather turns cooler. The gluten free noodles I use hold up well, and it makes a TON of food!

→ Living in Oregon, we are able to visit our local farmer’s market through November. This means we have access to some awesome fresh, seasonal produce that is best in fall! Cooking Light has a useful guide to what’s in season, like pumpkins, apples, and sweet potatoes.


Photo from Fine Cooking

→ I have a growing interest in learning to make my own soup, and recently made a successful batch of chicken noodle from scratch. Fine Cooking has a collection of recipes that are fall ready to try your own.

→ I dream of having my own Kitchen Aid mixer one day, and recently found a shop that does custom paint jobs on mixers. What a great (if pricey) idea! It’s also great inspiration for your own at home paint job ideas.

Have a great week!





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